You've probably found us here at DERMagic because your dog or cat is experiencing severe symptoms of yeast including:
- losing fur
- black skin
- uncontrollable itching
- paw licking
- all of the above
and you aren't sure why...
There are three main reasons why these symptoms are happening:
- Seasonal Allergies: True allergies are incredibly rare. Worst of all, they are incurable. You can only manage the symptoms. Luckily, most allergies are misdiagnosed, just as Alopecia X is a "vague" term for fur loss. If your dog is losing fur and their skin is turning black, chances are good it's due to yeast overgrowth, not allergies.
- Thyroid or Other Disorders: Whether it's Cushing's disease, hyperthyroidism, or some other thyroid-related issue, your dog will require ongoing medication and veterinary care. Please make an appointment with your veterinarian.
- Yeast Overgrowth: Yeast is the primary culprit for the majority of fur and skin conditions. DERMagic can help in nearly all of these cases, but it's important to follow directions closely. Veterinarians often diagnose yeast with terms like Alopecia X or Black Skin Disease. Yeast is 100% curable (unlike allergies).
If it's yeast-related fur loss or itching, DERMagic can help. Here's why...
Yeast is a Fungus
Yeast is a fungus, and it is always present on pets as part of the normal flora of the body, both internally and externally. As long as the body is in balance, all is well.
When Does Yeast Become A Problem?
While yeast is a natural part of our body, it can become a problem. This can often occur if your pet(s):
- immune system becomes depressed
- are prescribed antibiotics or cortisone-based products
- shaved too closely (often from a groomer or veterinarian)
- scratch themselves
- are on a poor diet or one rich in grains
These events cause yeast to go underground where it thrives in hair follicles.
What Are the Symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth?
Dogs and cats (or any type of animal, including humans) manifests yeast differently. However, on most dogs, the earliest signs of yeast are observed by:
- Tiny black or brownish specks on the underbelly
- Dark skin or rust-colored specks around the genitals or where the legs join the body.
- Dark, blackening skin on belly, tail or back
- Rust-colored fur between paw pads
These may go unnoticed and if they are noticed, they are usually mistaken for dirt, flea specks or simply part of the aging process.
Sadly, by the time you see the fur loss, the yeast infection is usually systemic, meaning it's there throughout the body.
Yeast is Like A Mushroom
One example we like to use is the observation of a mushroom popping up on a forest floor almost overnight. Mushrooms are similar to yeast in that -- by the time you see them, its often to late to prevent them. By the time the rhizomes (roots) of the fungus (yeast) shows up, the fungus (yeast) has already covered acres beneath the forest floor (just as yeast is already pervasive in your pet's body).
Yeast is Seasonal
Just as mushrooms need specific conditions to be present, yeast can also come and go. Often, the yeast is observed as an annual cycle, waxing and waning with the seasons. This is why it's often mistaken as "allergies".
The difference is that yeast never goes away on its own...
Yeast may be Genetic
Many studies are being done on systemic yeast conditions that indicate it may be partially genetic.
Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
There are many symptoms of yeast in pets.
If one of these is present, it's a good indicator. If two or more of these symptoms occur, it's a foregone conclusion that yeast is responsible for dog's discomfort.
Chewing or licking the feet, and dark rusty-red hair between the toes.
When a dog chews his feet, there’s always a good reason. He or she may have an itch, a cut, a broken toenail, or something stuck in the paw that’s bothering them. Yeast nearly always presents with paw-chewing because there’s a yeast infection between the toes and in the nail beds.
The hair is red or rusty-colored because of the yeast, not because of the licking.
Scratching the ears, or head shaking.
Scratching the ears or head shaking is a very common symptom of yeast. You may observe drainage or dry, yellow crustiness in or around the ear.
Keep in mind that other things may be causing this symptom, including ear infections, ear mites, ticks, or a dozen other causes. However, if your dog has been treated for these things, it may be yeast that causes recurrent episodes.
Lethargy and loss of appetite.
There are many reasons why a dog may stop eating, but when combined with one or more of the symptoms in this list, a yeast over bloom is likely the cause.
Cyclic manifestation of symptoms appear to be allergies.
Cyclical (appearing in the spring and “going away” in the fall) manifestation of these symptoms is why yeast is so often confused with “grass allergies” and other spring and summer symptoms.
True allergies are very rare and for the most part, not treatable. The symptoms can be controlled, but your dog will never experience true relief from allergies.
Yeast, however, is very common. If your dog is presenting with what appears to be allergies, it's best to try DERMagic Skin Care for Animals. Not only is it all-natural, it's the best way to eliminate yeast as a factor.
Hair loss on the tail and upper back.
There can be many reasons for this, but yeast is always one of the problems here.
Speckles on the belly and groin.
Speckles (like tiny black dots) often appear on the underbelly when yeast is present. This may also appear as rust-coloration around the genitals.
Daily (or at least weekly) grooming should reveal this early indicator of yeast.
Foul, corn-chip like odor.
A foul funky smell and greasy hair (seborrhea), often accompanied by heavy dandruff. This is an active yeast infection of the hair follicles, and relatively easy to reverse with DERMagic products.
Baldness from having been closely shaved.
When a dog is shaved, even for surgery, yeast can literally be injected under the skin by the hot blade, and this yeast will eventually kill the hair follicles.
DERMagic Skin Rescue Lotion can bring back your pet's healthy coat.
Black patches of skin appear.
If any black skin appears on your dog's belly, back or tail, it's likely yeast. If you notice hair loss in the same area, it's virtually assured that this is a yeast-related condition.
How do I know if it’s a yeast infection or an allergy or something else?
Well, you don’t know for sure at first.
But if the condition responds well to a natural topical antifungal like DERMagic Skin Rescue lotion or Hot Spot Salve, your dog's:
- hair will grow back
- black skin will disappear
- itching and licking will stop
- the underbelly will return to a normal pinkish white.
This is how you can tell that it's yeast...
While It could well have been an allergic reaction to something that started all this, like a bug or flea bite or a bad reaction to grain in food, for example. But what then happens is that the local immune system doesn’t function properly and this allows the yeast to bloom and invade.
This is what many owners (and even veterinarians) can miss.
The early signs of yeast are often not noticed, or they are passed off as "allergies". The treatment for allergies can aggravate the yeast further. The veterinarian is unable to identify the yeast, and so passes the symptoms off as "allergies" or "Alopecia X" and the yeast goes untreated for even longer.
Should I have my dog Allergy-Tested?
Allergy testing, in addition to being expensive, can give misleading false positives in many cases. This is because it measures "sensitivities" rather than actual allergens.
Allergy testing often results in a pet owners acceptance of the diagnosis, which leads to expensive treatments that aggravate the yeast. Not only have you then spent thousands of dollars on allergy "shots" and medications, you have made the cause even worse.
Allergy treatments will then be needed for the rest of the dog’s life, which may be considerably shortened by being on these prescriptions long term.
In the end, you have to do what is right for you and your pets. But, we do think we can help you save money and perhaps even your dog's life, simply by trying DERMagic for a few weeks.
Our treatment has helped hundreds of thousands of dogs and we hope you'll give it a try for your dog...